Croxton Parish Council is left without councillors, halting its operations. South Cambridgeshire District Council steps in to appoint temporary councillors for support.
Croxton: The village parish council is in trouble. It has no councillors, so it can’t function. Croxton Parish Council can have up to five councillors but needs at least three to make decisions. Without any councillors, it can’t perform its duties.
To help, South Cambridgeshire District Council is stepping in. They plan to appoint three district and county councillors temporarily. This will help the council meet the minimum number needed to operate.
This week, the civic affairs committee learned that Councillor Mandy Smith, Councillor Peter Sandford, and Councillor Mark Howell will take on these temporary roles. They will stay until new councillors are appointed or elected.
There’s interest from some Croxton residents to join the council. Officers will support the temporary councillors in filling all five seats.
There will be a 14-day period for locals to request an election. If no one asks for an election, new councillors can be co-opted.
Councillor Dr. Richard Williams suggested finding ways to encourage more people to join parish councils. He believes it’s important to inform the community about what these councils do.
Councillor Peter Fane agreed, saying the whole committee supports this idea.