Girton plans to extend its 20mph zone, aiming for safer streets despite concerns about driver compliance. Local authorities are considering additional measures if needed.
Girton: The village is extending its 20mph speed zone. This decision comes despite worries about whether drivers will actually follow the new limits.
Cambridgeshire Constabulary supports the plan but is concerned about compliance on Girton Road. They suggest that more measures might be needed to ensure drivers slow down.
The county council mentioned they could add extra measures if the speed limit isn’t followed. The current 20mph zone was set up in 2021 and will now cover more streets in the south of Girton.
This extension was requested by Girton Parish Council. A recent consultation showed mixed feedback, with only three responses—one against and two in favor.
The objector expressed worries about drivers ignoring the speed limit. They argued that such zones waste money and create risks for road users, especially for learner drivers.
On the other hand, supporters feel safer since the original 20mph limits were introduced. They believe extending the zone will make cycling and walking in Girton even better.
The county council’s traffic management team reviewed the feedback before deciding to go ahead with the extension. They aim to improve road safety and encourage more walking and cycling.
The new speed limit will create consistency across Girton, covering most of the village. Many roads in the area are residential and suitable for a 20mph limit.
Concerns about compliance on Girton Road were noted, but existing traffic calming measures should help keep speeds down. The goal is to support both pedestrians and cyclists in the area.